I. Start Game A. The Bene Gesserit have until the first deadline to decide on the predicted turn number and faction identity of the winner. B. GM reports player dot assignments. C. GM reports traitor candidates drawn by each player. D. All players have until next deadline to decide which drawn leader to choose as their traitor. (Harkonnen automatically gets all leaders drawn as traitors.) E. The Fremen also have until that deadline to decide the locations of their initial 10 units. F. The Bene Gesserit also have until that deadline to decide the location of their initial 1 unit. G. GM reports initial game state. H. GM reports initial treachery cards. II. Storm Round     A. GM reports current game state.     B. On the first turn, GM reports the randomized starting     location of the storm.     C. On each turn after the first:         1. GM reports the distance the storm will travel.         2. All players have until next deadline to decide to play Weather         Control or Family Atomics cards.         3. GM reports the new location of the storm and any         storm and card effects.     D. GM reports the distance the storm will travel next turn to     the Fremen. III. Spice Round     A. GM reports current game state.     B. For each of two spice blows:         1. Fremen may play a Karama card to cause a worm to appear in any         territory, with the usual effects.             a. Fremen must declare location of worm.             b. GM reports worm effects.                2. GM reports spice card drawn (location and amount or worm).         3. While the spice card is Shai Hulud:             a. All players have until next deadline to decide to make or break             alliances and with whom.             b. If two factions each declare to the GM that they will ally with             each other, GM reports their successful alliance.             c. All players also have until that deadline to decide to play a             Karama card to prevent the Fremen (or an ally) from controlling the             worm.             d. GM reports worm effects.             e. Draw another spice card for that spice blow.             f. If the card is another Shai Hulud, the Fremen have until next             deadline to decide the location of the worm.     C. GM reports next spice card to Atreides. IV. Treachery Round     A. GM reports current game state.     B. All players have until next deadline to declare whether     or not they can and will accept CHOAM charity.  (The Bene Gesserit     automatically receive CHOAM charity.)     C. GM reports all recipients of CHOAM charity.     D. GM reports the number of treachery cards currently held     by each player and the number of treachery cards up for bid     this turn.     E. For each card up for bid:         1. GM reports identity of card up for bid to Atreides.         2. GM reports bidding sequence order for card up for bid,         based on current storm location, player dot assignments, and         ordinal number of card up for bid.         3. For each player in bidding sequence order:             a. The bidding player has until next deadline to enter a bid             greater than the last bid, or pass.  A bid may not exceed the             number of spice that player currently holds.  A pass means that             that player may not make a further bid on the current card.             b. If that player is the last to enter a legal bid, he wins the             card.         4. At any deadline up to and including the one at which the card         is actually bought, any player may decide to play a Karama card to         avoid paying the Emperor, if s/he should win the bid.         5. At any deadline up to and including the one at which the card         is actually bought, any player may decide to play a Karama card to         prevent the Harkonnen from taking a second free card, if Harkonnen         should win the bid.         6. GM reports the identity of the faction winning the bid and         the amount paid.  (The amount paid is immediately transferred to         the Emperor's treasury.  However, spice paid by the Emperor for a         treachery card is immediately transferred to the bank.)         7. GM reports the identity of the card (and the second free card,         if applicable) to the player winning the bid. V. Revival, Shipment, and Movement Round     A. GM reports current game state.     B. All players have until next deadline to decide to pay for     revival beyond their free revival, or for reviving eligible leaders.     C. Bene Gesserit also has until that deadline to decide in which     territories its forces will *not* be coexisting this turn.     D. GM reports free revival and additional revival received by     each player.     E. GM reports movement order, based on the current storm location     and player dot assignments.     F. For each player in movement order:         1. Moving player has until next deadline to enter orders for         shipment and movement.  These orders must include the following:             - Location of shipment (including sector) and number of             tokens shipped             - Whether or not a Karama card will be played to allow             the player to ship at Guild rate             - Start and end locations of movement (including sector)             and number of tokens moved             - Whether or not a Hajr card will be played to allow a             second, and if so, the details of that movement (as in c)             - If the moving player is Bene Gesserit, whether or not             tokens shipped or moved into a new territory will coexist         2. GM reports shipment orders.         3. Guild has until next deadline to decide to play a Karama         card to cancel the ordered shipment.  (Otherwise, the amount paid         for shipment is transferred immediately to the Guild's treasury.         However, spice paid by the Guild or its allies for shipping is         immediately transferred to the bank.)         4. Bene Gesserit also has until that deadline to decide to send         a spiritual advisor with the shipment (either to shipment destination         or to Polar Sink or not at all), and whether or not it will coexist.         5. If Guild has cancelled the shipment, moving player has until         next deadline to confirm original movement orders or submit         new ones.         6. GM reports movement orders.     G. At any deadline during movement, Guild may declare to GM that it     is going to pre-empt the next set of orders by submitting its own     shipment and movement orders.     H. At any deadline up to and including the one for its own movement, the     Guild may instead declare that it is postponing its movement until later     in the sequence.     I. At any deadline up to and including the one for the Guild's movement,     a player may decide to play a Karama card to force the Guild to take     its turn in normal sequence. VI. Combat Round     A. GM reports current game state.     B. GM reports the location, factions, and numbers of tokens involved     in each combat situation.     C. For each player in order of movement this turn:         1. If the player is involved in more than one combat, that player         has until next deadline to decide the order in which the combats         will be resolved.         2. GM reports combat resolution order.         3. For each combat in which that player is involved:             a. If the Bene Gesserit (or an ally) is involved, they have             until next deadline to declare exact application of the Voice.             b. GM reports Voice command.             c. All players have until next deadline to decide to play             a Karama card to cancel the Bene Gesserit's Voice.             d. If the Atreides (or an ally) is involved, they have until             the next deadline to declare exact application of Prescience.             e. GM reports Prescience question.             f. Target player has until the next deadline to respond to             Prescience, if used.             g. All players also have until that deadline to decide to play             a Karama card to cancel the Atreides' Prescience.             h. GM reports Prescience response.             i. All players have until next deadline to decide to play             a Karama card to cancel either the Fremen's Fedaykin, Emperor's             Sardaukar, or Atreides' Kwisatz Haderach bonuses in the battle,             if applicable.             j. Atreides has until that deadline to decide to play a Karama             card to view one entire battle plan, in which case their             opponent must complete steps k and l before the Atreides.             k. Each combatant has until the next deadline to enter battle             orders.  These orders must include the following:                 - Leader identity or Cheap Hero(ine)                 - Number dialed                 - Number of spice paid to supply tokens                 - Weapon or Worthless Card played                 - Defense or Worthless Card played                 - Kwisatz Haderach (Atreides only)             l. GM reports all battle info and result.             m. Each combatant has until next deadline to decide to reveal             a traitor.             n. GM reports traitor effects, if any, and final battle result.             o. If winning combatant is Harkonnen, that player has until             next deadline to decide to capture an enemy leader.             p. GM reports identity of captured leader to Harkonnen and             victim, if applicable.             q. All players have until next deadline to decide to play             a Karama card to prevent Harkonnen from capturing the leader.             r. Harkonnen also has until that deadline to decide to             immediately kill the captured leader. VII. Collection Round     A. GM reports spice collected from spice blows and city income.     B. GM reports whether or not the game been won and by whom. VIII. Miscellaneous     A. At any deadline, any player may decide to play a Ghola card.         1. Fremen or Emperor must specify number of starred tokens         to revive.         2. GM reports tokens revived.     B. At any deadline, any player may decide to play a Truth Trance card.         1. Player must specify yes/no question and target.         2. GM reports question and target.         3. Normal play sequence is suspended and target player has until         next deadline to respond.         4. GM reports response.     C. At any deadline, a player may decide to play a Karama card for     any of the following uses, if applicable:         1. Any player may prevent the Bene Gesserit from using a         Worthless Card as a Karama.  Normal play sequence may have to         "back up" to restart from the point the Worthless Card was         cancelled.         2. Harkonnen may trade treachery cards with another player.             a. Harkonnen must declare how many cards he will take from             which player.             b. GM reports cards taken to target player and Harkonnen.             c. Normal play sequence is suspended and Harkonnen has until             next deadline to decide which of his original cards to return             to the target player.             d. GM reports returned cards to target player.         3. Emperor may revive up to 3 tokens.             a. Emperor must specify number of starred tokens to revive.             b. GM reports tokens revived.     D. At any deadline, any player may declare the conditions of a deal     with another player to the GM.  If all players involved in the deal agree     to the same conditions and declare such to the GM, GM reports the     conditions of the deal.